We Heart West is formed

A group of West Manchester residents forms a private charity and service group to build up their community. W♥W.

An idea for a block party!

We Heart West starts having conversations about a community-building block party.

Early 2021

A holiday is christened!

The W♥W group decides to christen a new holiday to celebrate West Manchester! They set the date for the inaugural West Manchester Day as “The First Saturday of September”.

Volunteers Spread the Word

Once the holiday was created, individuals throughout West Manchester took the initiative to independently form this website, a facebook event page, fliers were handed out, and people started volunteering to make the day special by adding their interested to the event, including games, cleanups, and more!

August, 2021
September 4th, 2021

The Inaugural West Manchester Day is a success!

Approximately 40+ people came out specifically for West Manchester Day, including many We Heart West volunteers as well as the Mayor and Mayoral Candidates! Another 40+ were there anyways to enjoy Rock Rimmon and the facilities in the park and were pleasantly surprised to find games, balloons, lemonade, ice-cream, and more that the community brought together to celebrate West Manchester!

2nd West Manchester Day an even bigger success!

Use the form on the homepage to get your addition listed!

September 3rd, 2022
January 3rd, 2023

We ♥ West and others successfully defend and protect Parkside Gardens / Derby Hill Park from being destroyed by City Hall.

Stebbins Community Center group withdraws from proposed location next to Parkside

Looking forward to the 3rd ever West Manchester Day, this year at Parkside Gardens!

September 2nd, 2023